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Quantum Bayesian Framework for Efficient Storage of Quantum Information


Abstract Superposition, entanglement and nonlocality are the hallmarks of the quantum framework. In this talk, we consider the problem of reliable storage of quantum information with qubit rate below its von Neumann entropy with controlled loss. This requires a transformation of the quantum source state into a more entangled reconstruction state with smaller entropy. Inspired…

Quantum Simulation of Spin-Boson Models with Structure Bath


Abstract The spin-boson model, involving spins interacting with a bath of quantum harmonic oscillators, is a widely used representation of open quantum systems that describe many dissipative processes in physical, chemical and biological systems. Trapped ions present an ideal platform for simulating the quantum dynamics of such models, by accessing both the high-quality internal qubit…

Quantum trading – a disturbance in the force (of supply and demand)


Abstract The influence of information technologies such as the telegraph, personal computers, the internet, and artificial intelligence has been profound, driving significant global economic growth and creating substantial value. We are now on the brink of another technological revolution: the advent of quantum computers. Quantum computers leverage the principles of quantum physics, offering two primary…

Progress and Challenges in Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Chemistry: Hard Lessons from the Field


Abstract One of the standard arguments for building a quantum computer is that we might profitably use the entanglements between qubits to simulate the correlations between electrons and thus solve a myriad of important chemical and material design problems. While this is surely an elegant and effective one-line funding justification, the devil is very much in…

Low-overhead fault tolerance for transversal quantum algorithms


Abstract We will discuss experimental and theoretical progress towards large-scale error-corrected quantum computation. First, we report recent advances in quantum information processing using dynamically reconfigurable arrays of neutral atoms.  Using this logical processor with various types of error-correcting codes, we demonstrate that we can improve logical two-qubit gates by increasing code distance, create logical GHZ…

Searching for Symmetry Violation with Molecular Ions


Abstract Molecules have emerged as powerful instruments for conducting precise tests of fundamental symmetries, such as the search for the electron electric dipole moment (eEDM). However, molecules are generally difficult to trap and cool, making it challenging to perform narrow linewidth measurements with long interrogation times without a complicated laser-cooling setup capable of repumping multiple…

Quantum Generative Models of Financial Time Series


Abstract Our research program investigates quantum models for the simulation, classification, and prediction of financial time series. Financial processes, such as asset prices, interest rates, and forex rates, exhibit complex dynamics on different time scales. These processes are partially observable, and we identify the underlying internal dynamics through stochastic observations. A promising research direction involves…

Recent Advancements in Quantum Error Mitigation and Quantum Simulation


Abstract Quantum simulation is a key near-term application of quantum computing. I will present several recent advancements in quantum simulation techniques and error mitigation. I will discuss error mitigation strategies for estimating expectation values of local observables, where we introduce a new Probabilistic Error Cancellation (PEC) estimator leveraging light-cone structures to drastically reduce sampling overhead.…

How to Make an Ion Trap


Abstract Among the principal challenge facing scalability in ion trap quantum computers is the full integration of optics, digital electronics, and through-wafer vias into the trap chip. I will discuss Oxford Ionics' strategy for developing ion trap quantum computers with 100s-1000s of ions, then describe some of the methodologies for designing large-scale ion trap electrode…

Quantum process learning and variational quantum computing


Abstract Parameterized quantum circuits serve as ansätze for solving variational problems and provide a flexible paradigm for programming near-term quantum computers. Here we discuss three fundamental criteria for this paradigm to be effective: expressibility, trainability and generalizability. We will introduce these concepts and present recent analytic progress quantifying to what extent these criteria can be…