John Muth
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Monteith Engineering Res.Ctr. 322C
The goal: Grow novel semiconductor materials, characterize their optical and eletrical properties, and fabricate novel optoelectronic devices. Sucessful intergration of these tasks will create enabling photonic technologies. This lab works with wide band gap semiconductors includling Gallium Nitride and Zinc Oxide and a variety materials to make quantum dots and other nanostructures.
Ph.D. Solid State Physics North Carolina State University, Raleigh 1998
Bachelor's Applied Engineering Physics Cornell University, Ithaca 1988
Area(s) of Expertise
Physical Electronics, Photonics & Magnetics
- Optical and structural characteristics of AlInN/GaN superlattices with varying AlInN fractions , JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH (2025)
- GaN-based tunnel junction with negative differential resistance by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS (2024)
- Growth and characterization of AlInN/GaN superlattices , JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH (2024)
- A Modular Endoscopic Tool and Laser Ablation Test-Bed for Studying Biological Tissue Ablation Control Strategies , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND BIONICS (2023)
- Designing and Testing a Closed-Loop Magnetically Actuated Laser Scanning System for Tissue Ablation , JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME (2021)
Erratum: "Phonon-boundary scattering and thermal transport in AlxGa1
- xN: Effect of layer thickness" [Appl. Phys. Lett.117 , 252102 (2020)] , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS (2021) - Dielectric and conducting properties of unintentionally and Sn-doped beta-Ga2O3 studied by terahertz spectroscopy , JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS (2020)
- Phonon-boundary scattering and thermal transport in AlxGa1-xN: Effect of layer thickness , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS (2020)
- Self-Heating Characterization of $\beta$ -Ga2O3 Thin-Channel MOSFETs by Pulsed ${I}$ - ${V}$ and Raman Nanothermography , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES (2019)
- Thermal conductivity of ultra-wide bandgap thin layers - High Al-content AlGaN and beta-Ga2O3 , PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER (2019)
Honors and Awards
- 2003 - NSF CAREER Award
- 2009 - United States Armed Forces Bronze Star Medal
- 2006 - Joint Services Humanitarian Service Medal (Hurricane Katrina)
- 2004 - National Academy of Engineers Frontiers of Science Award
- 2003 - Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award
- 2002 - Oak Ridge Ralph E Powe Award
- 2000 - Discovery Magazine Technology Award, Top 10 Finalist
- 1988-1993 - Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medals (2)