Demitry Farfurnik
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
322A Monteith Research Center
Dr. Farfurnik received his B.Sc. in mathematics and physics and his M.Sc. in physics from Tel-Aviv University. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prior to joining NC State, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics and the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Farfurnik’s research activities include the fundamental studies of optically-active solid-state spin systems (quantum dots and color centers) and the development of novel quantum technologies utilizing these systems. Farfurnik implements experimental protocols that control, characterize, and improve the quantum properties of spin systems. The resulting spins can be used for quantum sensing and for the studies of many-body dynamics. Farfurnik also utilizes nanofabrication tools to couple optically-active spins to photonic structures. Such coupling establishes efficient interfaces between spins and photons that form essential building blocks of quantum networks.
Ph. D. Physics Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 2019
Master's Physics Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2013
Bachelor's Mathematics & Physics Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2008
Area(s) of Expertise
Spin Dynamics, Quantum Photonics, Cavity QED
- The road to quantum internet: Progress in quantum network testbeds and major demonstrations , PROGRESS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS (2024)
- Cavity-enhanced narrowband spectral filters using rare-earth ions doped in thin-film lithium niobate , npj Nanophotonics (2024)
- Relaxation and Decoherence of Open Quantum Systems , IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering 2024 (2024)
- Toward Spin-Photon Interfaces Using Quantum Dot Molecules in Polarization Degenerate Nanophotonic Cavities , 12th International Conference on Quantum Dots (2024)
- All-Optical Noise Spectroscopy of a Solid-State Spin , Nano Letters (2023)
- An Atomic Frequency Comb Memory in Rare-Earth-Doped Thin-Film Lithium Niobate , ACS Photonics (2023)
- Probing and enhancing the quantum properties of solid-state spins for quantum simulators , Quantum Simulation Workshop (2023)
- Random Pulse Sequences for Qubit Noise Spectroscopy , (2023)
- All-optical Raman-based noise spectroscopy of a solid-state spin , APS March Meeting (2022)
- Optical Transparency Induced by a Largely Purcell Enhanced Quantum Dot in a Polarization-Degenerate Cavity , Nano Letters (2022)
Honors and Awards
- 2019 - Israel Council for Higher Education Quantum Technology Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2019 - Israel-US Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2019 - Dimitris N. Chorafas Excellence Award for Applied Research