Qing Gu
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor of Physics
Engineering Building II (EB2) NA
Dr. Gu received the Bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of California, San Diego in 2014. Prior to joining NC State, she was an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas from 2016 to 2021. Her research activities include the experimental realization of quantum-inspired nanophotonic semiconductor light sources using emerging materials or novel cavity configurations, active and topological hyperbolic metamaterials, and perovskite optoelectronics. She is the author of book “Semiconductor Nanolasers” by Cambridge University Press, published in 2017. Dr. Gu’s research lies at the intersection of electrical engineering, physics and materials sciences. At NC State, she holds a joint appointment between ECE and Physics, and is a member of the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Cluster in Carbon Electronics (https://labs.sciences.ncsu.edu/oracel/)
- Dual opposing quadrature-PT symmetry , ISCIENCE (2024)
- Single-Defect Mode Lasing in a Non-Hermitian 1D Trivial SSH Lattice , ACS PHOTONICS (2025)
- Experimental Observation of Purcell-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission in a Single-Mode Plasmonic Nanocavity , ACS PHOTONICS (2024)
- Green Light from Red-Emitting Nanocrystals: Broadband, Low-Threshold Lasing from Colloidal Quantum Shells in Optical Nanocavities , ACS NANO (2024)
- Leveraging multiplexed metasurfaces for multi-task learning with all-optical diffractive processors , NANOPHOTONICS (2024)
- Plasmon near-field coupling and universal scaling behavior in shifted-core coaxial nano-cavity pair , OPTICS EXPRESS (2024)
- Porous core fiber with hybrid cladding for ultra-flattened dispersion and low loss propagation of terahertz waves , RESULTS IN OPTICS (2024)
- Topological hyperbolic metamaterials , NANOPHOTONICS (2024)
- Edge-Mode Lasing from A non-Hermitian Topological Bulk , 2023 IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, IPC (2023)
- Experimental demonstration of online learning in deep photonic neural networks , 2023 IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, IPC (2023)