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The mission of the IBM Quantum Innovation Center at NC State is to partner with our members to develop their quantum teams and explore promising use cases, to promote the growth of quantum computing across NC State, and to advance real-world applications of quantum computing globally.

The IBM Quantum Innovation Center at NC State is structured as a hub and spoke model of engagement, and members can represent industry, academia or government. Each entity, including NC State, has their own dedicated cloud-based access slot with the goal of exploring practical applications important to business and science.

Each member has access to IBM’s premium quantum processors. Access through the IBM Quantum Innovation Center also allows pulse-level control of qubit operations through the OpenPulse API. Pulse-level control is critical to enhancing the performance of the present generation of noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers, and this capability is only available through an IBM Quantum Innovation Center. 

Support for members includes on-board training as well as ongoing technical assistance in support of research, education and applications. The IBM Quantum Innovation Center at NC State is a university-level, cross-disciplinary center housed in Venture One on Centennial Campus.


are involved with the IBM Quantum Innovation Center at NC State, creating a robust ecosystem equipped with a future-ready workforce.