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Training and Education

Membership in the IBM Quantum Innovation Center at NC State offers short courses for on-boarding as well as introductions to quantum computing. These will be tailored to the backgrounds of the participants.

IBM Quantum Experience

Short Courses

Introductory Short Courses

Introductions to Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Computing, QISkit,
Mathematical Foundations, etc.

Introductions to Basic Quantum Computing Algorithms

Deutch’s Algorithm, Grover Search Algorithm, Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm, etc.

Advanced Quantum Computing Topics

Variational Quantum Eigensolver, Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, Quantum Phase Estimation, etc.

Annual Quantum Workshop

The 2023 Quantum Workshop is a hybrid event co-hosted by the IBM Quantum Innovation Center at NC State. It will be held on NC State University’s Centennial Campus from Jan. 21-22, 2023 and will provide an opportunity for students and researchers to learn more about quantum computing while networking with colleagues.


Quantum Computing Seminars

NC State University and Duke University host a Quantum Computing Seminar every Friday at noon