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Aug 12, 2019

The Quantum Computing Party Hasn’t Even Started Yet

Because quantum computers that are powerful enough to shake up some of the world’s largest industries will begin to hit the market in just three to five years. And it will take you at least that long to build the expertise required to take advantage of them for your own business benefit.

Inside the IBM Q Network

Apr 11, 2019

NC State and IBM Build Hub for Quantum Computing Research

The collaboration gives NC State and IBM the ability to take academic work beyond the theoretical to the commercial applications of quantum computing.

Mar 4, 2019

IBM has come up with a new way of measuring the progress of quantum computers

It's promoting a yardstick called “quantum volume,” which it claims is doubling every year—an equivalent to Moore’s Law in conventional computing.

Feb 27, 2019

NC State is Planning for the Future of Quantum Computing

To accelerate the development of quantum computing, NC State and IBM are putting the technology in the hands of the the future workforce of the field. New curriculum and research on quantum computing, enabled by IBM’s first university-based quantum computing hub in North America, is introducing students to the technology that experts say will shape computing in the coming years.

IBM Q Dilution Refrigerator

Jan 8, 2019

NC State Names Executive Director, Chief Scientist for IBM Quantum Innovation Center

Dr. Daniel Stancil, Alcoa Distinguished Professor and head of NC State’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, will be executive director of the hub, and Dr. Patrick Dreher, research professor in the Department of Computer Science and associate faculty member in the Department of Physics, will be the hub’s chief scientist.

Nov 30, 2018

Quantum Computing: Triangle’s next high-tech cluster?

The Triangle Business Journal outlines the future of quantum computing in the Research Triangle region, featuring interviews from the IBM Q Hub at NC State team.