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Quantum Workshop Schedule

Day One (November 18, 2023)

Time (EDT)Topic
8:30 AMCheck-In at SAS Hall
9:00 AMWelcome and Introductions
9:15 AM Tutorial 1 - Quantum 101 Tutorial
Greg Byrd, NC State University
11:15 AM Break (15 minutes) with snacks
11:30 AMPlenary Speaker
Nathan Wiebe, University of Toronto
12:30 PMLunch (2 hours) On Your Own
2:30 PMTutorial 2 - Quantum Simulation
Daniel Claudino, Oakridge National Laboratory
4:30 PMBreak (30 minutes) with snacks
5:00 PMPlenary Speaker
Norbert Linke, Duke University
6:00 PMEnd of Day 1 Workshop
7:00 PMNo Host Social - Transfer Company Food Hall

NOTE: Poster Session will be on display in SAS Hall during both days of the Workshop.

Day Two (November 19, 2023)

Time (EDT)Topic
8:30 AMCheck-In at SAS Hall
9:00 AMInvited Speakers (Virtual) (30 minutes each)
Katie Klymko, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, University of Toronto
James Shee, Rice University
10:30 AMBreak (15 minutes) with snacks
10:45 AM Invited Speakers (30 minutes each)
Kade Head-Marsden, Washington University, St. Louis
Mario Motta, IBM
Natalie Klco, Duke University
12:15 PMLunch (1.75 hours) On Your Own
2:00 PMContributed Speakers (30 minutes each)
Norhan Eassa, Purdue University
Efekan Kokcu, NC State University
Dima Farfurnik, NC State University
4:00 PMEnd of Day 2 Workshop